Thursday, August 30, 2007

More Alike and More Apart

Not much new to report, and not much time either. Just a quick note that as Maia is growing she is starting to look more and more like Ilona. We are all starting to make mistakes about who is who!

Also, since Ilona has decided she only wants to sleep at 45 minute intervals, and we are constantly worried she is going to wake up her sister, we've decided to move them into two separate rooms. We tried that last night and had the best night sleep we've had in a while. The girls are so different from each other, aside from their appearances, that it seems that as unique individuals they need to have their unique spaces right now.

Also, to ponder, I find it interested that the girls DNA is exactly the same, and their environment has been exactly the same yet their personalities are so very different. I guess the piece that is different is their souls. It seems like some proof of something other than that which we can define and measure. I love it.

Love Tina

1 comment:

Erin said...

I miss seeing updates on your girls. I KNOW how busy you must be though. I hope all is well!

All the best!