Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Christening Date ... again

Ok folks. Since our travel dates kept moving (but hopefully are locked in now) our christening date has had to move too.

The new date is Sunday September 2 at 2:00 pm. We hope this works better for all of our out-of-towners, giving an extra day to travel home.

Not sure how elegantly we'll handle invitations as the christening is just 3 weeks after we get home, but mark your calendars now!

Love to all,

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sprouting Mushrooms

Imagine what it would feel like if all of a sudden your palms sprouted mushrooms.

Yesterday Al and I were at our favorite breakfast place and he looked at me all happy and said "26 days!". I suddenly felt what can only be called mushrooms of sweat start popping out on my palms. It was the oddest thing. Pure anxiety I guess. Have you ever felt such a thing? Wow.

Then, last night, Al and I were sitting out on our patio. Glass of wine, BBQ, cool breeze, etc. You get the picture. A boucolic scene that doesn't involve the chasing around of twins. I had the baby book in front of me and was reading out the list of what we needed to consider for baby proofing. Al started getting paler and paler. I think reality is finally setting in for him and I bet he had mushrooms of sweat sprouting out on his palms too.

This morning he didn't tell me how many days we had to go. Some mean part of me is glad that I have company in being petrified... at least for now!

Love Tina

Monday, June 18, 2007

Our Travel Dates

Ok. We're booked.

We leave on July 20 and arrive in Ho Chi Minh City late at night on the 21st.

I was thinking that we'd have the day Sunday to go about prepping the apartment, but our coordinator in Vietnam just told us that if we arrive on Saturday night they might just take us over to the orphanage to get the girls on Sunday.

At this point we are booked to come home on August 9, arriving back around 5:00 pm.

We love the travel agent that the agency recommended and for a few extra dollars we had her arrange to have us fly in and out of the small airport that is about 5 minutes from our house. It makes for a slightly longer trip because there is a layover with that route, but we don't have to worry about driving home several hours from one of the other airports.

First thing Al said this morning was "32 days." Cute.

Love Tina

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Well, we have what we've been waiting for, a Giving and Receiving Date as assigned by the Vietnamese governement!

Our G & R date is July 23. We are going to attempt to arrive in Ho Chi Minh City no later than July 21 so we have at least one full day to prepare the apartment for the two weeks in HCMC. Grocieries, diapers, formula, etc. Food, coffee, coffee, coffee, etc.

If we arrive Saturday evening we can work on getting things ready on Sunday and then will be picking the girls up very early Monday morning at the orphanage and going immediately from the orphanage to the Giving and Receiving ceremony. We will have four official appointments on Mondaythe 23rd and then will be waiting around for our documents to process (appx 2 weeks) before we head to Hanoi for the last leg of the trip.

We are really happy to have the date but are still sad that the girls are going to be almost 8 months old. Hopefully we'll feel better about that when we actually see them and hold them and make sure for ourselves that they are ok.

The funny thing is that Al, who has been cool as a cucumber through all of this, had the news hit him like a ton of bricks last night. When we picked up the message from the agency and had to call back he just collapsed into a chair and wouldn't get up. I was like "honey, come on, we've got to call the agency" and he just stared at me and said "I am frozen with fear." My husband... the human popsicle.

Actually, that had been my exact reaction the day we received our referral. He just had a delay of 4 months.

Well, next we are going to start gathering our things together, processing for our visa's, make flight arrangements, etc. We'll continue to update you with news and other random musings.

Love Tina

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Simple Life Goes to Vietnam

Dreams are a strange thing. For those of you who know me, you know that I don't really like to watch television. Not some intellectual snobbism, I just really don't like it too much. And, when I do watch television there are basically three things I watch... CNN, Food Network, and the Deadliest Catch.

So how is it possible that I had a dream last night that I was one of the people on The Simple Life and myself, Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton were going to Vietnam to adopt babies?

I think it says alot about how I view my potential parenting skills.
