Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On Community, Family and Love

Last Saturday, April 14, two of my great friends schemed and threw Al and I a big baby shower. I don't know how these two pulled it off, because they are both so busy with work and family life, but suffice to say that they are nothing short of true wonderpeople.

I was so moved by the number of people that came out to celebrate the imminent (hopefully) arrival of Maia and Ilona. The thing that moved me was that everyone was so excited by the girls, so charmed by their pictures, so impatient about when they were coming. I felt in that moment, maybe more than ever before in my life, what it is like to truly be embraced by a huge family - to share joys and shoulder sorrows. More than ever I saw that it is impossible to stand alone, to be an island. We are all connected and sharing is truly one of the great beauties of the human race.

While many people came long distances to attend our wedding it seemed even more meaningful to me that the very same people came the very same distances to celebrate the girls. It warms my heart and fills me with hope for the future that this community will be the community that will raise Maia and Ilona with us.

How lucky we all are to have you as part of our lives.

Thank you so much,
Tina (for Al, Ilona and Maia)

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