Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It's All About the Wait

Yep, the waiting game. We're in it.

For the past three weeks we have been waiting for the call to go to Vietnam. The call can come at any time. This part is pretty hard. I am thinking that the girls are growing up and that all of the clothes that we had bought for them are going to be too small, and I am just concerned that the longer the wait the harder it is going to be for them to handle all of the disruption. It is hard to believe how resiliant they are going to have to be, leaving their orphanage and the nannies that they have known their whole lives, being thrust in the arms of complete and foreign-looking strangers, staying in hotels, new bottles, new formula, flying, etc. I think we really have to keep in mind how stressful this could be for them. One thing I feel very lucky about, though, is that they have each other. They will always have a familiar face through all of the changes.

I hope to have a travel date posted for everyone soon!

Love Tina

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