No, I don't have pictures of it, but Ilona took her first steps last night! And, I am happy to stay, it was me, her Mum, she was toddling to. She only took a few unassisted steps before falling into my arms laughing and clapping, but they definitely were unassisted.
Just thought I'd share!
Love Tina
Monday, November 19, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Erin, this is for you!
Top Picture =Ilona
Bottom Picture = Maia
I am so sorry that it has been so long since I've posted. It has been busy, between work and home life with the girls. Plus I'm still figuring out some quirks with our camera and getting images loaded up. I have vowed to be better about taking pictures of the girls... mostly because I know that they will want them when they get older.
Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of the girls. They already look alot different than this - these were taken in September - but it is better than nothing for now! I'll get some newer pictures up soon.
The girls are doing great. Ilona keeps fooling us into thinking that she'll be walking at any minute and just keeps holding off. Maia, who is physically not ready to walk yet, doesn't know it and keeps doing all sorts of dare devil things which she thinks very funny.
Ilona is a pretty serious, focused girl but when she graces you with a smile it just lights you up. She likes to study things and figure out how they work. When she laughs she has the biggest belly laugh you can imagine. She is very easy and so pleasant to be around.
Maia is a little minx. She laughs and smiles all the time. She is very social. Her new best friends are the dogs. She loves to watch them. She reaches to touch their noses and then throws her head back cracking up.
The dogs are really awesome with both girls. Last thing before bed the dogs patrol around upstairs and push into each of the girls rooms, walk up to the cribs, put their paws up to check inside to make sure everything is ok. Only then, once they check in on the girls, will they settle down for the night.
We are really lucky that the girls are continuing to sleep wonderfully. Last night they went to bed around 7:00 pm. I woke up this morning about 5:15, bathed, dressed, made coffee, looked at catalogs and finally decided to go wake them up around 7:00. That is 12 hours!
We are all very happy and it is just a wonder and a joy to have been blessed enough to be Maia and Ilona's parents.
Love to all,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
More Alike and More Apart
Not much new to report, and not much time either. Just a quick note that as Maia is growing she is starting to look more and more like Ilona. We are all starting to make mistakes about who is who!
Also, since Ilona has decided she only wants to sleep at 45 minute intervals, and we are constantly worried she is going to wake up her sister, we've decided to move them into two separate rooms. We tried that last night and had the best night sleep we've had in a while. The girls are so different from each other, aside from their appearances, that it seems that as unique individuals they need to have their unique spaces right now.
Also, to ponder, I find it interested that the girls DNA is exactly the same, and their environment has been exactly the same yet their personalities are so very different. I guess the piece that is different is their souls. It seems like some proof of something other than that which we can define and measure. I love it.
Love Tina
Also, since Ilona has decided she only wants to sleep at 45 minute intervals, and we are constantly worried she is going to wake up her sister, we've decided to move them into two separate rooms. We tried that last night and had the best night sleep we've had in a while. The girls are so different from each other, aside from their appearances, that it seems that as unique individuals they need to have their unique spaces right now.
Also, to ponder, I find it interested that the girls DNA is exactly the same, and their environment has been exactly the same yet their personalities are so very different. I guess the piece that is different is their souls. It seems like some proof of something other than that which we can define and measure. I love it.
Love Tina
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Finally ... An Update!
Hi everyone,
So sorry for the delay in posting. We've had our hands full. Quickly, here is a summary:
1. The trip home - was hell. There were several delays and door to door was close to 40 hours. We were delayed in Atlanta several hours and when we finally got on the plane we sat on the runway for hours in 104 degree heat. The girls were as good as could be expected but they were just over the whole thing. If they went to sleep they would wake up, look around and whine that they were still in a plane. I can totally understand.
2. The adjustment - the girls are doing great, although their previous 10 hour sleeping per night was reduced to 1 hour when we first got home. We 've been building it up from there trying to get them back on schedule. Both Maia and Ilona have had sleep issues, mostly related to adjustment as would be expected with an institutionalized child. First we went through some issues with Maia, which resolved quickly. We are currently going through some issues with Ilona. This is totally normal and to be expected but knowing that it is normal doesn't make us parents feel more rested and refreshed! They are both extremely mobile, which we weren't counting on before we left. We thought we'd have a little time before they were all over the place but they've hit the ground running, almost literally. Ilona is trying to walk (she couldn't even crawl when we picked her up) and Maia is doing this weird little crawl that propels her across the room faster than can be beleived.
3. Their health - is great. On Wednesday we went to a well known International Adoption Department in one of our major hospitals and spent over 5 hours with a doctor and occupational therapists that specialize in internationally adopted kids. To say they were pleased with Maia and Ilona would be an understatement. Both are bonding extremely well, which they were pleased about most of all as they see alot of bonding issues. Ilona was rated as being above her age in development and Maia right on. The only issue is that Maia isn't even on the height-weight chart and the doctor said that if she hadn't examined her she'd say she was "failure to thrive" however she is clearly thriving. Although we are running a bunch of tests they think she is just small and didn't get the food attention at the orphanage. She should catch up somewhat but may always be on the small side. The only thing is the doctor does not want them in daycare for at least another two months, and doesn't want us to use a nanny either. The doctor wants at least one of us, if not both of us, to be with them for this time. I am definitely not going to be able to comply with that directive however we are hoping to work something out where Al can stay home with them with a helper.
We go out quite a bit, to restaurants and other outings. The girls are really great with other people but are starting to want to make sure that Mom and Dad are around. Whereever we go we create quite a stir. This morning after church we went to our diner where all the waitresses ran up to the girls, grabbed them and took them around to all of the other tables and back into the kitchen. They are known as "the stars" there. Maia just laughs at everyone she sees, Ilona just checks everyone out.
My Mom has been with us since we got home, thank the Lord. I don't know how we'd function without the extra pair of hands but suffice to say we'd probably still have our suitcases piled in the kitchen. I don't know if there are any Mom's of twins out there that have handled both kids by themselves, but God Bless You... I cannot even imagine how it would be possible.
I'm sorry it has been so long since I've posted but between the girls sleep schedules and the issues we've had with our phone lines I just haven't been able to keep up. Also, if you've sent me any emails I probably haven't gotten to them yet, my service is excutiatingly slow and even though we just signed up for the fastest service available we are still struggling.
Thanks for all of your best wishes, thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how much it means to all of us that you've been there through the journey with us. The girls are just so lucky to have you as a community. What a beautiful thing.
Love from Tina
So sorry for the delay in posting. We've had our hands full. Quickly, here is a summary:
1. The trip home - was hell. There were several delays and door to door was close to 40 hours. We were delayed in Atlanta several hours and when we finally got on the plane we sat on the runway for hours in 104 degree heat. The girls were as good as could be expected but they were just over the whole thing. If they went to sleep they would wake up, look around and whine that they were still in a plane. I can totally understand.
2. The adjustment - the girls are doing great, although their previous 10 hour sleeping per night was reduced to 1 hour when we first got home. We 've been building it up from there trying to get them back on schedule. Both Maia and Ilona have had sleep issues, mostly related to adjustment as would be expected with an institutionalized child. First we went through some issues with Maia, which resolved quickly. We are currently going through some issues with Ilona. This is totally normal and to be expected but knowing that it is normal doesn't make us parents feel more rested and refreshed! They are both extremely mobile, which we weren't counting on before we left. We thought we'd have a little time before they were all over the place but they've hit the ground running, almost literally. Ilona is trying to walk (she couldn't even crawl when we picked her up) and Maia is doing this weird little crawl that propels her across the room faster than can be beleived.
3. Their health - is great. On Wednesday we went to a well known International Adoption Department in one of our major hospitals and spent over 5 hours with a doctor and occupational therapists that specialize in internationally adopted kids. To say they were pleased with Maia and Ilona would be an understatement. Both are bonding extremely well, which they were pleased about most of all as they see alot of bonding issues. Ilona was rated as being above her age in development and Maia right on. The only issue is that Maia isn't even on the height-weight chart and the doctor said that if she hadn't examined her she'd say she was "failure to thrive" however she is clearly thriving. Although we are running a bunch of tests they think she is just small and didn't get the food attention at the orphanage. She should catch up somewhat but may always be on the small side. The only thing is the doctor does not want them in daycare for at least another two months, and doesn't want us to use a nanny either. The doctor wants at least one of us, if not both of us, to be with them for this time. I am definitely not going to be able to comply with that directive however we are hoping to work something out where Al can stay home with them with a helper.
We go out quite a bit, to restaurants and other outings. The girls are really great with other people but are starting to want to make sure that Mom and Dad are around. Whereever we go we create quite a stir. This morning after church we went to our diner where all the waitresses ran up to the girls, grabbed them and took them around to all of the other tables and back into the kitchen. They are known as "the stars" there. Maia just laughs at everyone she sees, Ilona just checks everyone out.
My Mom has been with us since we got home, thank the Lord. I don't know how we'd function without the extra pair of hands but suffice to say we'd probably still have our suitcases piled in the kitchen. I don't know if there are any Mom's of twins out there that have handled both kids by themselves, but God Bless You... I cannot even imagine how it would be possible.
I'm sorry it has been so long since I've posted but between the girls sleep schedules and the issues we've had with our phone lines I just haven't been able to keep up. Also, if you've sent me any emails I probably haven't gotten to them yet, my service is excutiatingly slow and even though we just signed up for the fastest service available we are still struggling.
Thanks for all of your best wishes, thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how much it means to all of us that you've been there through the journey with us. The girls are just so lucky to have you as a community. What a beautiful thing.
Love from Tina
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
First and Last Post from Hanoi
Hi everyone,
As you've probably figured out by now I do not have easy access to the computer in Hanoi. Plus, if anyone from work is reading this I cannot access my work email. We'll be home Thursday afternoon at 5:00 - hopefully - so we can catch up on all the fun stuff (Holly) on Friday.
A quick briefing:
Sunday - we left HCMC for Hanoi. The girls were great on the flight. Maia slept the whole time except when we were landing and her ears bothered her for a minute. Carolyn had Ilona cracking up in the back of the plane so loudly that the entire cabin was laughing. We got to the Sheraton and settled in for a few days stay. The room is really small. Al and I had to move all the furniture around to try to make room for two cribs. It is a room, not an apartment like we had in Saigon, so it has been a bit harder. Our luggage is in the bathtub, chairs are piled up on each other, etc, but we are making do.
Monday - Went for a walk in the morning, bought some groceries. We'll be glad to have US diapers. The diapers here are like paper. We had our interview with the US Embassy Monday afternoon, which went well. I met a wonderful family (Sarah) who had been following our blog and were at the Embassy at the same time. It was great to meet them and I hope they get all of their paperwork done in time to catch their flight Friday. We'll have our fingers crossed for you!
Tuesday - We took a tour of Hanoi, which was great. We went to the Presidential complex, the tomb of Ho Chi Minh, the one pillar pagoda, the temple of literature and then into old city. Then home for naps for the girls. At 4:30 we picked up their passports with visa entries into the US, so we were free to go at that point. Thank God. We are all just dying to get home. The other families that we are traveling with are leaving after us - we are the first ones out by several days - so it is really hard for them. We are all just wanting to be home and get settled in. Living out of the suitcase for three weeks with the little ones has been a challenge.
Wednesday - we are leaving for the airport at 9:00 pm tonite. We'll fly from Hanoi to Saigon leaving at 1:00 am Thursday. Then we'll catch our 15 hour flight to the states. We are scheduled to land back at home at around 5:00 pm Thursday. I CANNOT WAIT. We just want to be home. I think I've said that enough.
Sorry, no pictures to post, and this will be the last post until we are home.
Thanks to everyone for reading our journey and cheering for us from afar. We can't wait to see you.
Love Tina
PS- Jessica - Ilona is in 3-6 month clothes. We think she weighs about 16 lbs. I'm not sure of her pampers size. We bought huggies with us but they are long since used up. They are using small Korean diapers now. Good luck!
As you've probably figured out by now I do not have easy access to the computer in Hanoi. Plus, if anyone from work is reading this I cannot access my work email. We'll be home Thursday afternoon at 5:00 - hopefully - so we can catch up on all the fun stuff (Holly) on Friday.
A quick briefing:
Sunday - we left HCMC for Hanoi. The girls were great on the flight. Maia slept the whole time except when we were landing and her ears bothered her for a minute. Carolyn had Ilona cracking up in the back of the plane so loudly that the entire cabin was laughing. We got to the Sheraton and settled in for a few days stay. The room is really small. Al and I had to move all the furniture around to try to make room for two cribs. It is a room, not an apartment like we had in Saigon, so it has been a bit harder. Our luggage is in the bathtub, chairs are piled up on each other, etc, but we are making do.
Monday - Went for a walk in the morning, bought some groceries. We'll be glad to have US diapers. The diapers here are like paper. We had our interview with the US Embassy Monday afternoon, which went well. I met a wonderful family (Sarah) who had been following our blog and were at the Embassy at the same time. It was great to meet them and I hope they get all of their paperwork done in time to catch their flight Friday. We'll have our fingers crossed for you!
Tuesday - We took a tour of Hanoi, which was great. We went to the Presidential complex, the tomb of Ho Chi Minh, the one pillar pagoda, the temple of literature and then into old city. Then home for naps for the girls. At 4:30 we picked up their passports with visa entries into the US, so we were free to go at that point. Thank God. We are all just dying to get home. The other families that we are traveling with are leaving after us - we are the first ones out by several days - so it is really hard for them. We are all just wanting to be home and get settled in. Living out of the suitcase for three weeks with the little ones has been a challenge.
Wednesday - we are leaving for the airport at 9:00 pm tonite. We'll fly from Hanoi to Saigon leaving at 1:00 am Thursday. Then we'll catch our 15 hour flight to the states. We are scheduled to land back at home at around 5:00 pm Thursday. I CANNOT WAIT. We just want to be home. I think I've said that enough.
Sorry, no pictures to post, and this will be the last post until we are home.
Thanks to everyone for reading our journey and cheering for us from afar. We can't wait to see you.
Love Tina
PS- Jessica - Ilona is in 3-6 month clothes. We think she weighs about 16 lbs. I'm not sure of her pampers size. We bought huggies with us but they are long since used up. They are using small Korean diapers now. Good luck!
Friday, August 3, 2007

Please note I have uploaded several posts below this one. I've had a dreadful time getting a connection the past couple of days. Lots of error messages, page not availables, etc. There have been blackouts here in Saigon so that might have been part of the problem.
Friday we went to the Cu Chi Tunnels. This was a from the war when they Vietcong created an underground village of sorts. Not my thing but I knew what I was getting into before I went so enough said on that front.
Attached are a couple of pictures of the girls.
1. Cute sisters, Maia on left. Check out her hair. It is growing straight up the back of her head - which is probably why the orphanage kept their hair cut short. Ilona's is starting to do that too. Sooner or later it will come back down, right?
2. and 3. I'll let you decide which is which.
Wasn't I cruel to put those pants on them? Maia's were so big her Dad had them pulled all the way up to her armpits. I pulled them back down. Obviously we are going to need some fashion intervention.
Michele, thanks for your comments. They are starting to look more and more alike. They are 8 months now.
Love Tina

On Thursday we took a 4 hour tour on cyclos (pronounced sicklow). I was nervous at first, because the traffic here is insane and to be out in the street crossing major intersections, riding on the equivalent of I95 with a baby strapped to your chest seemed a little reckless. However I did relax after we got moving. We went to two different temples which were beautiful. On one of the last legs of the tour I saw a little shack near one of the temples that had a ceremonial outfit on display. I had our guide help me neogtiate the purchase because it was so unbelievably beautiful. Bright red with lots of beads. I really loved the headdress and boots but there was no way we could figure how to bring them on the plane. I did get the robe, which turns out was one that the Buddhist priests wear during some of their ceremonies.
I have a couple of pictures attached.
Oh, one thing about the cyclos... when you are at an intersection you can see the light counting down from green till when it will turn red. 10, 9, 8, 7 etc. As the cyclos do not stop for the lights and just barrel headlong into oncoming traffic this count down is actually quite helpful. It is nice to know the exact moment you are going to die.
1. Al in cyclo with Ilona
2. Cyclos lined up outside of a temple
3. Tina in priest robe
Love Tina
Room Service

Here is a picture of our room service waiter. When he delivers food he comes in, sits down and stays. Here he is with Ilona. Last night we actually had to ask him to not wake the babies up in their cribs, he loves them so much. I sort of felt bad, but the girls were overtired and had just gone to sleep. We'll give him a chance to play more with the girls today. Can you imagine such service at home? Wow.
Love Tina
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Doctors Pictures

1. Ilona being weighed
2. Ilona on the way to the dr
3. Ilona's bubble
4. Maia being weighed
5. Maia on the way to the dr
Erin, thanks for your comment. Actually both girls have rashes now. At first I was thinking it was a reaction to the awful laundry detergent here that is used on the sheets however when Maia started her antibiotic she developed a rash similar to Ilona's. Both of the girls are off antibiotics as of last night so we'll see if the rash subsides. Otherwise we'll go to the SOS clinic to get some cream!
Thanks, Tina
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Business Done in Saigon
Wednesday, August 1
We are having a lot of problems getting connection today. Not sure if this will upload. We can’t get to any of the email servers yet today either. There have been a couple of power outages in Saigon today so not sure if that is what is causing the problems or not.
We are officially finished with our work in Saigon as of yesterday afternoon. We took the girls to Cho Ray Hospital for their official check up. This is the only hospital that is CDC approved so it is the hospital that the paperwork for the girls has to come from.
Both girls checked out ok. The doctor tried to examine Ilona twice because he wasn’t able to easily differentiate them. He said both of them were small but very strong. He told Al he had to come back to adopt twin boys so that he will not be outnumbered in the house.
None of the scales here are accurate, but Holly, if you are reading this, Maia weighed in at 11 lbs. Ilona at 14 lbs. At 8 months. They’ll be like newborns to you!
We received their Vietnamese passports yesterday so we are free to travel to Hanoi now. The pictures on their passports were taken when they first arrived at the orphanage and it is almost impossible to tell them apart. I think they looked a lot more identical when they were young before Maia decided she didn’t want to eat as much as her sister. Once Maia catches up to Ilona we think it will be hard to tell them apart again.
Unfortunately because of the time of year there are no hotels available in Hanoi, and the flights out are all pretty much booked. Otherwise, we could probably finish up in Vietnam 5 or 6 days early and leave at the end of this week or next Monday. Unfortunately because of the hotel and air situation we are staying here in Saigon until Sunday even though our official business is done now, just because we have a hotel room here and we don’t have reservations in Hanoi until Sunday. Sort of frustrating to know we could get through the process early and get home but are stuck here.
At this point I really just want to go home. I’ve had enough of Saigon and don’t really feel the need to be out in the heat battling the traffic and street vendors. Today we may just stay by the pool.
Plus, Maia is not liking her antibiotic too much and is sick to her stomach a lot so I don’t want to subject her to hours of heat.
Tomorrow, if Maia is feeling better, we will take a few hours and go on a cyclo tour of the temples in the area.
Both of the girls are doing well. Both slept around 9 hours last night, so we don’t have too many complaints! They have very good natures and are happy and charming. Their hair is starting to grow back. The orphanage cut their hair very short before we picked them up but it is growing now and sticking straight up in the back of their heads. Funny.
We are very lucky.
Hope to load some more pictures up later today if I can get connection.
Love Tina
We are having a lot of problems getting connection today. Not sure if this will upload. We can’t get to any of the email servers yet today either. There have been a couple of power outages in Saigon today so not sure if that is what is causing the problems or not.
We are officially finished with our work in Saigon as of yesterday afternoon. We took the girls to Cho Ray Hospital for their official check up. This is the only hospital that is CDC approved so it is the hospital that the paperwork for the girls has to come from.
Both girls checked out ok. The doctor tried to examine Ilona twice because he wasn’t able to easily differentiate them. He said both of them were small but very strong. He told Al he had to come back to adopt twin boys so that he will not be outnumbered in the house.
None of the scales here are accurate, but Holly, if you are reading this, Maia weighed in at 11 lbs. Ilona at 14 lbs. At 8 months. They’ll be like newborns to you!
We received their Vietnamese passports yesterday so we are free to travel to Hanoi now. The pictures on their passports were taken when they first arrived at the orphanage and it is almost impossible to tell them apart. I think they looked a lot more identical when they were young before Maia decided she didn’t want to eat as much as her sister. Once Maia catches up to Ilona we think it will be hard to tell them apart again.
Unfortunately because of the time of year there are no hotels available in Hanoi, and the flights out are all pretty much booked. Otherwise, we could probably finish up in Vietnam 5 or 6 days early and leave at the end of this week or next Monday. Unfortunately because of the hotel and air situation we are staying here in Saigon until Sunday even though our official business is done now, just because we have a hotel room here and we don’t have reservations in Hanoi until Sunday. Sort of frustrating to know we could get through the process early and get home but are stuck here.
At this point I really just want to go home. I’ve had enough of Saigon and don’t really feel the need to be out in the heat battling the traffic and street vendors. Today we may just stay by the pool.
Plus, Maia is not liking her antibiotic too much and is sick to her stomach a lot so I don’t want to subject her to hours of heat.
Tomorrow, if Maia is feeling better, we will take a few hours and go on a cyclo tour of the temples in the area.
Both of the girls are doing well. Both slept around 9 hours last night, so we don’t have too many complaints! They have very good natures and are happy and charming. Their hair is starting to grow back. The orphanage cut their hair very short before we picked them up but it is growing now and sticking straight up in the back of their heads. Funny.
We are very lucky.
Hope to load some more pictures up later today if I can get connection.
Love Tina
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
My New #1 Dumbest Thing I've Ever Done
Saturday July 28
Today we went on a trip to the Mekong Delta. We left at 8:00 am and got to the Delta around 10:30. We caught a ferry - loosely termed - to Unicorn Island in the Delta. It was actually a nice day for the trip. Not as hot as it had been with the sun in and out. We walked through a village and went to a native bee farm, had honey tea, saw some examples of native dance and tried some interesting local fruits. Dragon fruit was one, a couple of the others I couldn't begin to pronounce.
We then walked to the next step, which was the point of the title of my post.
Formerly, the dumbest thing I think I've ever done was llama trekking. Particulary paying some llama farmer $50 to walk his llama in the rain, getting peed on by said llama and had one's llama spit on Al (although I could sort of sympathize with the sentiment because the trekking thing was his idea). Today I topped it.
We walked out of the forest in the Mekong Delta and were told that we had to get into these very low dug out canoes to get back to our boat. Carolyn went first, with Ilona in a snuggli, and then her boat took off, without us. There went our daughter, in good hands of course, down this swampy river and disappearing into the overgrowth. Then I quick got into our canoe and plopped down hoping to catch up with Carolyn and Ilona. Al stepped in next with Maia strapped to him and almost overturned the entire boat. The thing tipped completely up - since he stepped on the edge instead of on the bottom - and we were at a 45% degree angle. I can't believe he didn't fall into the river with Maia strapped to him. What on earth were we thinking? The damn boat was like an inch over the water, Maia was holding onto Al for dear life, our boats were colliding with other boats in the delta and Maia was staring at me over Al's shoulder like she couldn't believe we had been so stupid. Plus, they told us to keep our fingers in the boat because of crocodiles. Was this a joke? You've got to be kidding me? We had two babies with us. Apparently the place used to swarm with them. Anyway, how does any of that add up to something one should be doing on a Saturday morning just a couple of days after picking up your new daughters? I think Maia and Ilona would be justified in saying that they wanted to go back to the orphanage. We made it back to this docking station in the middle of the delta where we had to jump up without overturning the canoe, Al with Maia strapped to him, so that we could catch our "ferry" back to our starting point. Not the smartest thing I've ever agreed to and I think definitely beating out llama trekking.
Anyway, Carolyn got the funniest picture of Ilona looking totally disenchanted with the whole thing. We'll try to get it loaded up tomorrow.
Love Tina
Today we went on a trip to the Mekong Delta. We left at 8:00 am and got to the Delta around 10:30. We caught a ferry - loosely termed - to Unicorn Island in the Delta. It was actually a nice day for the trip. Not as hot as it had been with the sun in and out. We walked through a village and went to a native bee farm, had honey tea, saw some examples of native dance and tried some interesting local fruits. Dragon fruit was one, a couple of the others I couldn't begin to pronounce.
We then walked to the next step, which was the point of the title of my post.
Formerly, the dumbest thing I think I've ever done was llama trekking. Particulary paying some llama farmer $50 to walk his llama in the rain, getting peed on by said llama and had one's llama spit on Al (although I could sort of sympathize with the sentiment because the trekking thing was his idea). Today I topped it.
We walked out of the forest in the Mekong Delta and were told that we had to get into these very low dug out canoes to get back to our boat. Carolyn went first, with Ilona in a snuggli, and then her boat took off, without us. There went our daughter, in good hands of course, down this swampy river and disappearing into the overgrowth. Then I quick got into our canoe and plopped down hoping to catch up with Carolyn and Ilona. Al stepped in next with Maia strapped to him and almost overturned the entire boat. The thing tipped completely up - since he stepped on the edge instead of on the bottom - and we were at a 45% degree angle. I can't believe he didn't fall into the river with Maia strapped to him. What on earth were we thinking? The damn boat was like an inch over the water, Maia was holding onto Al for dear life, our boats were colliding with other boats in the delta and Maia was staring at me over Al's shoulder like she couldn't believe we had been so stupid. Plus, they told us to keep our fingers in the boat because of crocodiles. Was this a joke? You've got to be kidding me? We had two babies with us. Apparently the place used to swarm with them. Anyway, how does any of that add up to something one should be doing on a Saturday morning just a couple of days after picking up your new daughters? I think Maia and Ilona would be justified in saying that they wanted to go back to the orphanage. We made it back to this docking station in the middle of the delta where we had to jump up without overturning the canoe, Al with Maia strapped to him, so that we could catch our "ferry" back to our starting point. Not the smartest thing I've ever agreed to and I think definitely beating out llama trekking.
Anyway, Carolyn got the funniest picture of Ilona looking totally disenchanted with the whole thing. We'll try to get it loaded up tomorrow.
Love Tina
Friday, July 27, 2007
Misc Pictures

1. Ilona playing with Maia's feet
2. Ilona
3. Maia
4. Sisters (Ilona left, Maia right)
5. Sisters (Ilona left, Maia right)
6. Ilona Snuggling after swimming - sideways, sorry
7. Maia bundled after swimming
8. Ilona and Mom
9, Maia with Aunt Carolyn
10. Getting ready to swim
I have more pictures to load up but blogger won't let me so we'll just do these for now.
Also, Erin, I forgot to answer your guestion... we believe the girls are identical because they are mirror images, meaning one has a birthmark on the right and one on the left, one has a crinkle in the ear on the right, the other on the left. We'll see once we get home, though.
Love to all,
Misc Doings
Friday, July 27 4:00
Yesterday was an uneventful day. Some shopping, some swimming, some napping. The girls are sleeping between 8 - 10 hours each night, which is a dream. Maia is eating like a machine, Ilona not as much.
Today Carolyn and I ran a couple of errands while Al stayed home with the kids. Then we had our interview with Immigration, which we hope went well. We'll know later today whether they approved our immigration requests. Al will be leaving shortly to go pick up the girls Vietnamese passports so that we can take them up to Hanoi next.
I am making this a brief post because I know you really want to see pictures, which I will load up next.
Holly, thanks for you comment! You crying made me cry.
Erin, thanks for your comment too. I read it to Al so that he could appreciate how lucky we are. Glad your boys are doing ok now!
Love to all,
Yesterday was an uneventful day. Some shopping, some swimming, some napping. The girls are sleeping between 8 - 10 hours each night, which is a dream. Maia is eating like a machine, Ilona not as much.
Today Carolyn and I ran a couple of errands while Al stayed home with the kids. Then we had our interview with Immigration, which we hope went well. We'll know later today whether they approved our immigration requests. Al will be leaving shortly to go pick up the girls Vietnamese passports so that we can take them up to Hanoi next.
I am making this a brief post because I know you really want to see pictures, which I will load up next.
Holly, thanks for you comment! You crying made me cry.
Erin, thanks for your comment too. I read it to Al so that he could appreciate how lucky we are. Glad your boys are doing ok now!
Love to all,
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Shopping, Meetings and International Health Care
Thursday July 26, 7:00 pm
Yesterday we all went to the shopping district on an outing. The girls did great their first time in the strollers. Mom, Dad and Carolyn were a little nervous because we had to cross many busy streets and in Vietnam the way you do this is step out in the middle of on coming traffic and the traffic will swerve around you. You must not stop or falter in the middle of the street because that changes your gait and therefore changes the timing of the oncoming vehicles that are trying to miss you. What a ridiculous system. You feel suicidal just stepping right off a perfectly safe curb into oncoming traffic of hundreds of cars and motorbikes. The system seems to work, though. I don't know how, but it does seem to work.
We went to a tailor that the agency had recommended where we bought lots of things. I bought au dai’s (tradition Vietnamese outfits) for the girls, two in each size, matching colors. 24 all together. They are truly gorgeous. I am also having Christening outfits made for them as well. We were going to do more shopping however the clouds were starting to boil over and we decided with Ms. Ilona still having an infection we didn’t want to risk the long walk back to the hotel in the rain. We’ll go back today to so Carolyn can do some more damage. I really was not planning on bringing back a lot of souvenirs or gifts because I knew I would have my hands full on the return trip, but I did want to get the girls beautiful outfits from their country that they should be able to wear until they are 12-14 years old.
Al and I had a meeting with the agency from 4-6 last night to review the paperwork we’ll be needing for the balance of our meetings. The Vietnamese portion of our adoption is complete. We received a stack of documents on each girl, including translated copies of their birth certificates, abandonment reports, hospital records, etc. We are lucky that of the families going through the process with us we were the ones that had a considerable amount of background on the girls and the circumstances of their birth and relinquishment. This will be a blessing for them when they are older.
We did have a bit of an incident last night. I will spare you the details but we did have to take Maia to the clinic late last night. This is an international clinic so supposed to provide good care. Let’s just say that after last night I continue to pray that we all remain in good health through the balance of the trip. Yikes. I was pretty unhappy with the treatments they were suggesting, was arguing with the pediatrician (who was on the phone) and finally won. Maia is fine, but not thanks to the ridiculous clinic. I was so glad to have Carolyn, who has been a nurse for 20+ years, by my side. Anyway, alls well that ends well.
Today will probably be a free day, but tomorrow Maia and Ilona’s Vietnamese passports should be ready. Then we will have an appointment with CIS, probably on Monday. Once we pass the CIS interview we will be allowed to schedule the remaining appointment in HCMC, a visit to the Cho Ray Hospital for the “official” medicals on both girls.
Oh, by the way, Maia does weigh 12 lbs, not the 16 lbs the home visit doctor told us. She is snarfing down cereal, doesn’t like formula, and I noticed today that her legs are getting chubby already. They were very thin when we picked her up.
Ilona, who probably weighs more like 16 lbs rather than the 19 lbs the doctor told us, is getting really strong. Yesterday she came very close to sitting up by herself and also to crawling.
It is amazing what just a couple days of attention can do for these guys.
I’ll send more updates later, and hopefully more pictures.
Also, still having trouble connecting to some outside internet services. We think it might be a hotel firewall issue. Most of the time we see “page not available” error messages and it often takes several attempts to send an email through. I hope all is well with everyone.
Love Tina
Yesterday we all went to the shopping district on an outing. The girls did great their first time in the strollers. Mom, Dad and Carolyn were a little nervous because we had to cross many busy streets and in Vietnam the way you do this is step out in the middle of on coming traffic and the traffic will swerve around you. You must not stop or falter in the middle of the street because that changes your gait and therefore changes the timing of the oncoming vehicles that are trying to miss you. What a ridiculous system. You feel suicidal just stepping right off a perfectly safe curb into oncoming traffic of hundreds of cars and motorbikes. The system seems to work, though. I don't know how, but it does seem to work.
We went to a tailor that the agency had recommended where we bought lots of things. I bought au dai’s (tradition Vietnamese outfits) for the girls, two in each size, matching colors. 24 all together. They are truly gorgeous. I am also having Christening outfits made for them as well. We were going to do more shopping however the clouds were starting to boil over and we decided with Ms. Ilona still having an infection we didn’t want to risk the long walk back to the hotel in the rain. We’ll go back today to so Carolyn can do some more damage. I really was not planning on bringing back a lot of souvenirs or gifts because I knew I would have my hands full on the return trip, but I did want to get the girls beautiful outfits from their country that they should be able to wear until they are 12-14 years old.
Al and I had a meeting with the agency from 4-6 last night to review the paperwork we’ll be needing for the balance of our meetings. The Vietnamese portion of our adoption is complete. We received a stack of documents on each girl, including translated copies of their birth certificates, abandonment reports, hospital records, etc. We are lucky that of the families going through the process with us we were the ones that had a considerable amount of background on the girls and the circumstances of their birth and relinquishment. This will be a blessing for them when they are older.
We did have a bit of an incident last night. I will spare you the details but we did have to take Maia to the clinic late last night. This is an international clinic so supposed to provide good care. Let’s just say that after last night I continue to pray that we all remain in good health through the balance of the trip. Yikes. I was pretty unhappy with the treatments they were suggesting, was arguing with the pediatrician (who was on the phone) and finally won. Maia is fine, but not thanks to the ridiculous clinic. I was so glad to have Carolyn, who has been a nurse for 20+ years, by my side. Anyway, alls well that ends well.
Today will probably be a free day, but tomorrow Maia and Ilona’s Vietnamese passports should be ready. Then we will have an appointment with CIS, probably on Monday. Once we pass the CIS interview we will be allowed to schedule the remaining appointment in HCMC, a visit to the Cho Ray Hospital for the “official” medicals on both girls.
Oh, by the way, Maia does weigh 12 lbs, not the 16 lbs the home visit doctor told us. She is snarfing down cereal, doesn’t like formula, and I noticed today that her legs are getting chubby already. They were very thin when we picked her up.
Ilona, who probably weighs more like 16 lbs rather than the 19 lbs the doctor told us, is getting really strong. Yesterday she came very close to sitting up by herself and also to crawling.
It is amazing what just a couple days of attention can do for these guys.
I’ll send more updates later, and hopefully more pictures.
Also, still having trouble connecting to some outside internet services. We think it might be a hotel firewall issue. Most of the time we see “page not available” error messages and it often takes several attempts to send an email through. I hope all is well with everyone.
Love Tina
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Another Great Night, An Unexpected Guest, Maybe the Funniest Thing I've Ever Seen and Definitely The Sweetist Thing I've Ever Heard
Wednesday, July 25 6:00 am
We had another great night last night. Both girls are still asleep. Maia went to sleep around 8:00 pm and Ilona around 10:00 pm. Maia has slept straight through and we woke Ilona up once to give her medicine (she was very insulted but went right back to sleep).
Have I mentioned the restaurant here at the hotel, Ciao Cafe? The first couple of days we went there for breakfast where they gave us a pretty basic menu. I asked if they did room service and they said they did. I don't think they offer it up normally but they are very accomodating. I asked if they had a menu to give me and they found something and handed it to me. When I got a chance to look at it the menu was great, alot of variety.
The last few meals we've had brought in, just because Ilona was feeling sick and we were a little tired. The food is amazing. I had the best red curry I've ever had for breakfast yesterday and for dinner I had the best satay I ever had. Dinners for the three of us are costing around $9. I wish I could live in a place like this. Anyway, the people here in Vietnam are really great and love love love the babies. Last night our dinner delivery guy, who we had seen before, came rushing in the room with our dinners, quickly dumped them on the counter shouting "beebees? beebees?" All he wanted to do was see the girls. He plopped himself down on the blanket on the floor and proceeded to stay for quite some time to play with Maia and Ilona. "I love beebees!" It was a while before we decided to go ahead and eat even though he was still there admiring the girls. We weren't sure of the ettiquette never having had a delivery person come on in and stay.
*** Warning, Disgusting Material Below ***
Yesterday something really funny happened. I was working on loading the pictures up on the computer and Al was playing with the girls on the floor. He said he was going to change Ilona. Turns out, when he got into the diaper it was quite a messy one. I wasn't paying attention to what was going on until I heard an awful retching noise. I looked over my shoulder and Al was hunched over retching like a cat trying to get rid of a hair ball. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was like a cat with a hair ball. I jumped up and started laughing so hard my knees almost gave out. He kept dry heaving and dry heaving until he got over to the couch on his hands and knees and laid his head on the cushion like he was going to faint. I swear I never laughed so hard in my entire life. I am weeping with laughter just trying to write these words now. Can you believe it? I asked him what he expected, that his girls were so special that they were going to poop out flowers? I guess he is going to have to get over that pretty soon! Really! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it. Just thought I'd share.
On the flip side, when we were going to sleep last night Al said to me "I have a secret." I asked him what it was and he said "I can't wait to go to sleep so that I can wake up and play with the girls tomorrow." Isn't that sweet?
About the girls:
Maia is really funny. She never cries but does crack up alot. She is starting to eat alot of cereal. We think that the way the orphanage fed them, by adding cereal to the bottle and then propping the bottle has led to her being so small. She doesn't love the bottle and when she does have one she takes her time and likes a slow drip. The bottles the orphanage gave us had huge holes and even a much smaller hole seemed to choke her. She was probably just turning her head away from the bottle to keep from choking in the orphanage and thereby not getting enough food. She is making up for that now. The orphanage gave us a warning in the report telling us how difficult she was to feed and that we'd have to watch her. It was sort of disapproving. I had to laugh because it reminded me of how I found out my doctor had put a similar disapproving note in my file saying that I get mad if I am kept waiting at the doctors office. Ha Ha.
Ilona is a much better bottle eater but hasn't figured out the cereal thing yet. I think she liked having the cereal in the bottle because it was easier than having to figure out how to use her mouth. Last night she started to open up more to us. Al was holding her and I was playing with her and she started letting out huge belly laughs. We hadn't heard this from her yet but the orphanage had said that she had very large laughs. We got a taste of them last night.
Later today I'll load up some misc pictures that haven't gotten loaded up yet. We hope to hit the streets for some shopping today and maybe to the pool.
We probably won't have any official adoption meetings until Friday.
Love to all,
We had another great night last night. Both girls are still asleep. Maia went to sleep around 8:00 pm and Ilona around 10:00 pm. Maia has slept straight through and we woke Ilona up once to give her medicine (she was very insulted but went right back to sleep).
Have I mentioned the restaurant here at the hotel, Ciao Cafe? The first couple of days we went there for breakfast where they gave us a pretty basic menu. I asked if they did room service and they said they did. I don't think they offer it up normally but they are very accomodating. I asked if they had a menu to give me and they found something and handed it to me. When I got a chance to look at it the menu was great, alot of variety.
The last few meals we've had brought in, just because Ilona was feeling sick and we were a little tired. The food is amazing. I had the best red curry I've ever had for breakfast yesterday and for dinner I had the best satay I ever had. Dinners for the three of us are costing around $9. I wish I could live in a place like this. Anyway, the people here in Vietnam are really great and love love love the babies. Last night our dinner delivery guy, who we had seen before, came rushing in the room with our dinners, quickly dumped them on the counter shouting "beebees? beebees?" All he wanted to do was see the girls. He plopped himself down on the blanket on the floor and proceeded to stay for quite some time to play with Maia and Ilona. "I love beebees!" It was a while before we decided to go ahead and eat even though he was still there admiring the girls. We weren't sure of the ettiquette never having had a delivery person come on in and stay.
*** Warning, Disgusting Material Below ***
Yesterday something really funny happened. I was working on loading the pictures up on the computer and Al was playing with the girls on the floor. He said he was going to change Ilona. Turns out, when he got into the diaper it was quite a messy one. I wasn't paying attention to what was going on until I heard an awful retching noise. I looked over my shoulder and Al was hunched over retching like a cat trying to get rid of a hair ball. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was like a cat with a hair ball. I jumped up and started laughing so hard my knees almost gave out. He kept dry heaving and dry heaving until he got over to the couch on his hands and knees and laid his head on the cushion like he was going to faint. I swear I never laughed so hard in my entire life. I am weeping with laughter just trying to write these words now. Can you believe it? I asked him what he expected, that his girls were so special that they were going to poop out flowers? I guess he is going to have to get over that pretty soon! Really! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it. Just thought I'd share.
On the flip side, when we were going to sleep last night Al said to me "I have a secret." I asked him what it was and he said "I can't wait to go to sleep so that I can wake up and play with the girls tomorrow." Isn't that sweet?
About the girls:
Maia is really funny. She never cries but does crack up alot. She is starting to eat alot of cereal. We think that the way the orphanage fed them, by adding cereal to the bottle and then propping the bottle has led to her being so small. She doesn't love the bottle and when she does have one she takes her time and likes a slow drip. The bottles the orphanage gave us had huge holes and even a much smaller hole seemed to choke her. She was probably just turning her head away from the bottle to keep from choking in the orphanage and thereby not getting enough food. She is making up for that now. The orphanage gave us a warning in the report telling us how difficult she was to feed and that we'd have to watch her. It was sort of disapproving. I had to laugh because it reminded me of how I found out my doctor had put a similar disapproving note in my file saying that I get mad if I am kept waiting at the doctors office. Ha Ha.
Ilona is a much better bottle eater but hasn't figured out the cereal thing yet. I think she liked having the cereal in the bottle because it was easier than having to figure out how to use her mouth. Last night she started to open up more to us. Al was holding her and I was playing with her and she started letting out huge belly laughs. We hadn't heard this from her yet but the orphanage had said that she had very large laughs. We got a taste of them last night.
Later today I'll load up some misc pictures that haven't gotten loaded up yet. We hope to hit the streets for some shopping today and maybe to the pool.
We probably won't have any official adoption meetings until Friday.
Love to all,
Tuesday 7/24
Today was a lazy day. We really just hung around the apartment all day getting to know each other and catching up on our sleep. Ilona, too, has been sick so we started her on antibiotics this afternoon. Hopefully she'll start feeling better soon and won't pass her cooties on to the rest of the family.
We hope to do some shopping tomorrow and also maybe hit the pool.
The girls are a delight. Maia does not cry, she giggles. Ilona will sometimes yell at us but only if we aren't getting her. Ilona seems to have a little more difficulty sleeping. I think the poor little girl might be having some nightmares. I am sure it is a confusing and scary time for them, losing everything they've known and being handed over to strangers who look different, sound different, smell different. They are doing great with the transition.
Plus, on the most amazing side, so far there have been almost no signs of attachment issues. The girls make incredible eye contact with us and follow our voices around the room. They are doing really well.
More tomorrow, or later today if anything of interest happens.
Sorry no more pictures yet today. We'll take some and post either later today or tomorrow.
Love Tina
We hope to do some shopping tomorrow and also maybe hit the pool.
The girls are a delight. Maia does not cry, she giggles. Ilona will sometimes yell at us but only if we aren't getting her. Ilona seems to have a little more difficulty sleeping. I think the poor little girl might be having some nightmares. I am sure it is a confusing and scary time for them, losing everything they've known and being handed over to strangers who look different, sound different, smell different. They are doing great with the transition.
Plus, on the most amazing side, so far there have been almost no signs of attachment issues. The girls make incredible eye contact with us and follow our voices around the room. They are doing really well.
More tomorrow, or later today if anything of interest happens.
Sorry no more pictures yet today. We'll take some and post either later today or tomorrow.
Love Tina
Monday, July 23, 2007
Here They Are! Pictures from Yesterday. Finally!

Here you go, folks. These are some pictures from yesterday. I figured out how to get them loaded but not in the correct order, but I am sure that doesn't matter. Here is the key:
1. Maia
2. Ilona
3. The New Family
4. Ilona with Mom
5. Maia with Dad
6. The New Family
7. The New Family
8. Ilona with Mom
9. Maia with Dad
10. Maia with Dad
11. New Family with Orphanage Nannies
12. New Family
13. Nervous expected parents at the hotel prior to going to orphanages
14. Mom with Ilona
15. Mom with Ilona
16. Dad with Maia
17. Very Happy Family
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